Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Happens When There Is No Bile In Stomach It's My Stomach. It Never Tells Me When I'm Hungry Or When I'm Full...?

It's my stomach. it never tells me when i'm hungry or when i'm full...? - what happens when there is no bile in stomach

In the past two days my stomach tells me if I am hungry or when I'm full. I do not feel hungry, but soon beat the feeling of hunger, as you have a completely empty stomach. Also, do not tell me if it's done, although I have eaten a PB & J sandwich, instead of telling me I'm full of bile I taste in my throat. Normally this will not happen if you had completely broken me in too many sweets or something, but it's happening now, even with soft foods and when I know I have not eaten enough to be truly comprehensive. What could be causing this?


thewordo... said...

The pituitary gland regulates, if you're hungry and when you feel full. Then there are times, goes a little crazy, and Hafta really eat a few small things every day. That's what I do. Ask your doctor BEFORE you believe me! Perhaps you have a thyroid problem or a problem with hypothyroidism!

leazngur... said...

Seek medical advice

allie said...

ok here's the thing. If you had sex this probley prega eat if nned to do, what you do normally, and when to stop pain, see a doctor. Who have an eating disorder.

texas_an... said...

The brain is what tells you when you are hungry or full stomach. When you taste the bile reflux into the throat, and should see a doctor.

pioneere... said...

This could be a problem gallbladder. You may want to consult a doctor.

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